Unlock the secrets of Vals & Milonga dancing


 For tango dancers looking to dance confidently on the Vals & Milonga tandas

How to dance fluidly to Vals, expand your dancing repertoire, and feel confident dancing Milonga

2 to 14 June 2024 

4 powerful free trainings for more fluidity, creativity and confidence on the Vals & Milonga tandas


Here’s just some of what you’ll learn during the Dance Vals & Milonga Bootcamp


Why you sometimes feel nervous when dancing to Vals and Milonga and how to adapt to the faster rhythm

So you can be more confident when dancing these tandas 🎶


The 5 main differences between Tango, Vals & milonga

And what they mean for you as a social dancer💡


How to adapt your dancing to the milonga music

So you can express the faster rhythm, NOT sit out these tandas and make the most of your tango nights 💃🕺


How to expand your tango Vals creativity

So you can be in the flow of the music and move as one with your partner 💑


The top 5 reasons why tango dancers should dance Vals & Milonga

so you can enjoy the tango dancing experience to the max 💥


Is The Dance Vals & Milonga Bootcamp Right for You?

If any of the following sound like you, do yourself a favor and do not miss this 2-week bootcamp.

  • I struggle to sync with the music: I find it difficult to catch the Vals rhythm and syncopation of Milonga, making my dancing feel uncertain and overwhelming.

  • I want to be more confident on the dance floor: Dancing Vals Milonga sometimes makes me nervous due to its fast tempo, and I want to feel more relaxed and assured during social events.

  • I aim to enhance my musicality: I love the emotional and aesthetic appeal of Vals and Milonga, but I want to learn how to express this through my dancing and make each dance a creative and joyful experience.

  • I need to improve my technique: I face challenges with specific movements, such as maintaining balance during circular motions in Vals and executing quick, precise steps in Milonga.


Hear From Our Dancers: Real Stories, Real Passion

What's included in this bootcamp

From the 2nd of June to the 14th of June

  • 4 Amazing Live Training Sessions:
    • Picture this: engaging, lively sessions where you'll explore the beautiful world of Tango Vals & Milonga. Our live trainings are all about diving into how to adapt your tango dancing to Vlas & Milmonga. We can't wait to share these insights with you!
  • Replays! Catch Up at Your Own Pace:
    • Missed a live session? No worries at all! You'll have access to all the session replays until June 14th. So, relax, you can catch up whenever it suits you, whether it's a lazy Sunday afternoon or a quiet evening after work.
  • Join Our Friendly Facebook Community
    • This is where the magic happens! Our Facebook group is full of Tango lovers just like you. It’s a cozy corner for sharing experiences, discussing all things Tango, Vals & Milonga, and making connections with dancers from all around the world. It's like a warm, welcoming Tango family waiting to embrace you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Great question!

The Tango Musicality Bootcamp is taking place LIVE online. 

You will have 4 live musicality training sessions over the course of 2 weeks, and access to our community of students via the Facebook group: 

  • Session 1: 
    • Understanding the Rhythms - Tango, Vals, and Milonga
    • 4th June - 3PM

  • Session 2: 
    • Transitioning from Tango to Vals and Milonga
    • 5th June - 3PM
  • Session 3:
    • Why Vals and Milonga Matter - Enhancing Your Tango Repertoire
    • 6th June - 3PM
  • Session 4:
    • How to feel confident dancing Vals & Milonga
    • 8th June - 3PM

The sessions’ replay will be available until the 14th of June.

 In our combined 28 years of tango teaching experience, we've seen tango dancers struggle with vals and milonga for years because they approach it by dancing tango fast. This common challenge has led many to give up on these tandas altogether. As milonga organizers, we deeply care about seeing the tango community enjoy the full tango experience. That's why we're offering our Vals & Milonga bootcamp for free. We want to help you master these beautiful dance forms and feel confident on the dance floor.

We do have paid-for programs that we’ll invite you to join if you want to continue your Vals & Milonga journey with us afterward, but there’s no obligation. You can sign up now, learn everything from the bootcamp, and we’re happy either way.

Don’t worry! Replays of the video trainings will be available until the 14th of June for you to catch up. However, they will be taken down after this period.

Yes, you can!

In fact, this bootcamp is designed with the individual dancer in mind.

We’ll help you understand the fundamental differences between tango, vals and milonga, why dancing Vals & Milonga matter and how to adapt your dancing to these rhythms.

Then you’ll be equipped to go and practice everything you’ve learned with your tango friends.

In this bootcamp, our focus is on demonstrating the differences between Tango, Vals and Milonga and how to adapt your dancing to these rhythms.

 We know that a lot of tango dancers want to feel more confident and creative with these tandas but aren't sure how...

Understanding how to adapt your tango dancing to the Vals and Milonga music is the secret to having fun with these rhythms!

Once you do, you realise that Vals & Milonga dancing is actually much easier than tango.

And, you have a lot more fun when dancing socially!

Hi there! We’re Pablo & Anne. Between the 2 of us, we have over 28 years of combined teaching experience. 

We have been teaching together for the past decade, including online. 

With over 41,000 online students subscribed to our youtube channel (and more than 6 million views since we got started!), we know how to teach in a clear yet detailed way online. 

Great question!

Here’s what you have access to when you sign-up: 


  • 4 live training sessions
  • Access to the replays until the 14th ofJ une
  • Join our community of students in the facebook group to learn more, discuss all things Vals & Milonga, and hang out with tango dancers from all over the world 


Yes, all that for free…

Yes, all our lessons are conducted live from the 2nd to the 8th of June, offering real-time interaction. Then they are available until the 14th of June. 

Hi there! We're Pablo & Anne...

Confession time: we used to feel so awkward when dancing the vals and milonga tandas.

Like, really awkward.

Whether it was Pablo who’d use the milonga tanda as his toilet break of the night, or Anne who didn’t dare looking up, for fear of being invited and having to turn down a cabecceo.

We both felt so shy at the beginning of our vals and milonga journey!

Ironic, since we were actually already good tango dancers at the time…

But, vals and milonga looked like so much fun that we couldn’t resist for too long.

So, we took a lot of vals and milonga classes…

Then one day, we realized something no one had ever told us: Vals and milonga are NOT tango danced fast! 

In fact, as tangueros, we need to adapt our tango dancing (steps, technique, musicality, physicality) to those rhythms.

So, when our time to teach came, we created a step-by-step framework to help our students do so easily… and save years feeling awkward or insecure when dancing the vals and milonga tandas.

This is what we'll be sharing with you in this bootcamp/  

If you’re looking to make your tango life fuller and more enjoyable by dancing the vals and milonga tandas with confident, join us!

 This bootcamp will teach you how to dance confidently to the Vals & Milonga rhythms. 

 If you're excited about having more fun in milongas and don't want to miss out on the Vals and Milonga tandas...

We’ll be honored to be your guides. 

Big hugs, 

Pablo & Anne



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