Discover how to take your tango dancing to the next level fast without compromising on the quality of your dancing – even if you don’t have a dedicated partner or if you have little time to practice
So you can feel confident and creative when you are dancing
to become more elegant in the tango embrace
so you can be in the flow of the music and dance fluidly
and be seen as someone people want to dance with
even if you don’t have enough time to practice tango during the week
and answers to any questions about it you might have
If that’s how you feel, trust us, we’ve been there!
Whether you’re stuck in your head thinking too much when you’re dancing, are never quite sure if you’re ‘getting it right’, or wonder why tango looks so easy but is so hard to dance well… you are not alone.
Yet, understanding how the different elements of the tango technique work together and simple changes in how you are practicing will make a MASSIVE difference in your tango... and how fast you feel confident dancing it.
Join us to learn the step-by-step tango plan you need to know in order to feel elegant, confident and creative when dancing tango.
We love the excitement of connecting live with you and other dancers from all over the world. Please note that the times offered when you sign-up are in your time-zone.
This masterclass is for:
Between the 2 of us, we have over 27 years of teaching experience. The teaching stems from years of helping tango students simplify their dancing and become better and more confident tango dancers faster. Even if you have been dancing for some time, you might have noticed that the path to tango mastery can be confusing and frustrating.
Will share the exact teaching structure we would use to take your tango dancing to the. Next level, so you have clarity about what to practice.
You will receive a replay of the masterclass. However, it is not as ideal as joining live! When you join live, you soak in the energy of the people connected at the same time as you (including us!). And, you have the opportunity to ask us any question that you have. So, we highly recommend that you join us live!
Absolutely. We keep 15 minutes at the end of the masterclass to answer any question you might have.
Yes! We do have paid-for programme, one of which we will tell you about at the end of the webinar. There is an opportunity to sign-up but it is not compulsory. You can join, soak in all the knowledge and go… and we’re happy.
We have taught 1,000s of students between our tango schools in Paris and London and our international retreats, have organized over 1250 milonga nights, and are teaching over 33,000 online students on our youtube channel.
We have taught 1,000s of students between our tango schools in Paris and London and our international retreats, have organized over 1250 milonga nights, and are teaching over 18,000 online students in our youtube channel…
Throughout this journey, we have discovered the exact teaching secrets that make a difference between a student who will be stuck at a plateau, and one that will dance confidently, elegantly and creatively in a matter of months.
This brand-new, fresh masterclass is a culmination in everything we’ve learned in teaching so many people how to dance tango all over the world.
If you’re committed to making this the year you finally feel elegant and creative when you are dancing, we can’t wait to speed up your rate of improvement and help you can there faster… while also having fun along the way!
Choose the time that works best for you.
Virtual hugs
Pablo & Anne